Are all foundations created equal?
Are all foundations created equal? Well that depends on who you're ask and your skin type. Do you have oily, dry or combination skin? It also depends on the type of coverage you're looking for your face. Do you want light or heavy coverage?
If you're skin is anything like my skin, then you have oily or combination skin. If that's your skin type, then the experts recommend that you use a powder foundation. The powder will help to absorb oil from your face. Avoid creams and liquids, they're not really suited for your skin type.
Some foundation users complain about the powder getting on the hands or clothing, after it has been applied to your face. You can pat your face with a velvet powder puff to help get rid of any excess powder. That way your free to hug as much as possible. Nothing is worst than leaving makeup on someone's clothing after you give them a hug.
For those of you who have dry skin, a stick or liquid foundation will work best for you. Some may contain moisturizers for your skin, which can help prevent flaking. You may want to use a light liquid foundation. The heavy liquids may work their way into any creases in your face, which could make it very obvious that you have on foundation.
Last but not least, make sure you choose a found with SPF. If you're using a moisturizer with SPF, then that's great. But the moisturizer may not have a high enough amount of SPF. You can always add additional coverage in your foundation. Most people don't realize that you get exposure to UV rays all year round.
So the next time you decide to buy a foundation, keep three things in mind.
1. Your skin type
2. The level of coverage
3. Does it have an SPF added?
If you would like to see what foundation I use, then click here.
To see other types of foundations that may be right for you, click here.
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