10 Foods That Can Help Reduce Insulin Resistance
Written by: Crystal Foster
Even if you're not a big fan of watching TV, you still may have seen commercials talking about Insulin Resistance. Since I am currently on a weight loss journey, I myself have been wondering if maybe this problem is stopping me from being able to lose weight. So I decided to do some research to find out exactly what it is and if there's a way to combat it with foods.
My first question was, what is Insulin Resistance? This is when your body does not absorb glucose into your muscles, fat and liver for energy, making your body create more insulin. My second question was, did it have anything to do with me losing weight? The answer I found is that it can cause the opposite. You may actually gain weight if you suffer from Insulin Resistance.
My third question was, how can you combat it with food? I found a list of foods that can help you reduce your Insulin Resistance and help you lose weight. A lot of these foods have shown up on other lists that I have composed for lowering blood pressure, lowering cholesterol or reducing inflammation. Here's the list of foods.
- Oatmeal
- Fatty Fish
- Mushrooms
- Carrots
- Green Tea
- Berries
- Dark Leafy Greens
- Beans
- Avocados
- Oranges
I try to incorporate as many of these foods into my diet as possible. These are every day foods that you can pick up in your local supermarket. You can try and substitute some of the less healthier foods that are high in sugar and carbs with the foods listed above. Eating more of these foods can help you reduce Insulin Resistance, which can help you lose weight and could also reduce the risk of health problems that are associated with being overweight.
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