Help With Thinning Hair
Thinning or hair loss can be caused by a variety of things like stress or hormones. Of course you can solve the stress part by destressing your life, but that's not always so easy. There are a few things you can do to stop breakage and promote growth and healthier hair. Here's a list of 5 things you can do.
Try using shampoos without sulfates and conditioners without silicones. Sulfates can dry your hair and silicones will damage your hair. The drying and damage will both cause breakage.
Try not to use a blow dryer to dry your hair. Air dry instead of blow dry. Also towel dry it gently to prevent breakage. Blow dryers cause hair to become dry and break.
Comb your hair instead of brushing. Most people don't realize that brushing can cause hair to break. Comb your hair gently especially when it's tangled.
Avoid hair styles that pull on your hair. Pony tails and braids may be too tight and pull your hair out. Using stretch bands on your hair can cause breakage and put your hair out. Wearing your hair down or pulled back loose is best.
Massage your scalp to get the blood circulating around the follicles. This is good for promoting healthier hair and hair growth. It's even better when you massage with coconut oil, jojoba oil or almond oil.
Eating healthy foods can also promote healthy hair and hair growth. Foods with Omega 3 fatty acids such as fish, flaxseed and walnuts are good for your hair. Iron rich vegetables such as spinach and kale are also good for your hair. Don't forget foods like broccoli for vitamin c, which help you to absorb iron. And Biotin rich foods like egg yokes, can also help to promote hair growth.
These are just a some of the ways to stop breakage and promote hair growth. If you are suffering from hair thinning or breakage, they are a good place to start.
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