5 Foods That Can Help You Lose Weight

Like many women my age, I struggle with weight loss. I have tried many diets (the D word) and have failed. What I did find, while trying all of the different methods to lose weight is that diets don't work, but lifestyle changes do. So I decided to incorporate some new foods into my life.

Once I did make this minor lifestyle change, I found losing weight a lot easier. I also feel comfortable losing weight this way because I can maintain this way of eating for the rest of my life. No more going on diets and gaining weight as soon as the diet is over. Here's a list that I put together of some plant-based foods that can help you lose weight.

  1. Whole Grains
  2. Greek Yogurt
  3. Lentils
  4. Beans (Try making hummus using beans instead of chick peas.)
  5. Edamame
Personally I like to get my plant-based protein from a powder shake. I usually mix it with Almond milk and sometimes put in some fruit. This is perfect for my breakfast. The rest of my meals consist of lean meats and vegetables.

Of course there are other foods that fall into this category, but this is a good start. The foods listed above tend to be high in fiber, low and calories and cholesterol. And most important, they are rich in nutrients. You will need to watch what you eat when it comes to other foods that are high in sugar and fats. The next time you're craving something sweet trying eating some fruit instead.

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If you are interested in the plant-based protein shake that I use, click here.


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