5 Things You Can Do To Boost Your Metabolism

Written by: Crystal Foster

If you're anything like me, a mother of three who has tried to lose for some time, then you're probably frustrated. Because I have been struggling for so long to lose weight and keep it off, I decided to stop being frustrated and start doing research.This time, I decided to find out what I could do to boost my metabolism. I was rather surprised at how easily, I can boost my metabolism doing every day things.

Of course, there's more to losing weight than just boosting your metabolism, but this is an important part to being successful. You still need to watch your calorie intake and limit sugar and carbs. If you're eating to many carbs, bad carbs, then your body will focus on burning them off instead of fat. Burning off fat, is what makes you lose weight. Here are five things you can do to help boost your metabolism:

  1. Increase your protein intake. Since proteins are made up of Amino Acids, your body has to work harder to break them down, therefore boosting your metabolism.
  2. Drink cold water. Your body will boost your metabolism to try and heat the water up.
  3. Build muscle. I talked about muscle burning more calories in my last blog. But, when you lose weight, you also lose muscle mass, so it's important to work on building muscles so that you don't lose muscle mass.
  4. Stand up more. You burn more calories when you're standing up, so if possible, stand up part of your day while at work or at home.
  5. Drink Green or Oolong tea. Apparently the caffeine and  catechins in both teas help to increase your metabolism.

These are just a few of the things you can do to boost your metabolism, and there are many more. Keep in mind, that you should watch your sugar and carbohydrate intake. Another mistake some of us make is dropping to many calories out of our diets. This could result in us slowing down our metabolism. I hope that this information has been helpful. Enjoy your weight loss journey!

Message me if you would like a list of 15 Other Things You Could Do To Boost Your Metabolism.

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Click here to see what I use to successfully boost my metabolism.


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